
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You may ask yourself "is there anyone so alone?" but there's no beep before the dial-tone

So, I am leaving Good Samaritan. I submitted my two weeks notice on Sunday and will not be there in May. It was a long time coming but I just got pushed over the edge. I got in a confrontation with another worker. She yelled at me for using the over head page 3 times during church service. I had no other choice. None the less she caused a big scene in front of a group of visitors and everyone who caught wind said she was wrong. The administrator made her apologize and HR made me write a statement. I had no problem with her I just wanted to know what I should do in the situation when i need to page but its during church service. So they made a big deal and made me out to be a victim and that they supported me and then I got a call saying I was not to work Wednesdays anymore. They were gonna give me a Sunday morning shift. There was also no explanation of this decision. When I got there Sunday I was pretty sure of my plans. And then I found no letter no note nothing. They just dismissed it and punished me. I figured that they must not think I can handle a week day shift appropriately. Also the day girl is getting surgery this week and even though I covered her vacation I guess I'm not good enough to cover this now. So it's bull and I'm done. I thought I was getting somewhere by having a week day shift and they took it away.

I submitted my resume to at least 7 places since. Yesterday I got an email from Woodforest bank to do a phone interview. I called a little bit ago but got voicemail so I left a message. Shane is very amusing. He is very unhelpful when it comes to job stuff. He tries but he doesn't really know. Besides I know damn well most places will see USMC and look no further.

We got to see our lovely friends Brooke and Glenn this weekend. I had missed them so much!! And I got to show Brooke my wedding gown. Her excitement made me excited again. Plus I hadn't worn it since I picked it up in August so it was good to see I still love it.
Shane and I have pretty much settled on our reception venue. We want to see it in October before we lock it down. It is a great price which is fantastic because to set up what I want we need the extra money for tropical flowers and put of season fruit. It's pretty exciting.

Shane could leave any day. Military.. never exact. I'm getting a bit anxious because its so close and I feel like there's so much to do. And they haven't given him any extra time off.

Well I have a whole list of things to do today so I should really get started on that.